Lingqiao Song
Ms. Lingqiao Song acquired a B.Sc in Biology and Master Degree of Civil Law at the Chinese Academy of Social Science in China. In 2015, she completed her second master degree of international business law at University of Montreal and awarded “Dean’s Award: Best Overall Academic Achievement”. In 2016, she was admitted as Chinese Lawyer and working as a legal consultant for Anran Law firm China. She is also a member of Institutional Review Board of Faculty of Medicine, McGill University and assistant to the Data Access Officer of ICGC. At the Centre of Genomics and Policy, Lingqiao is working with Prof. Yann Joly and Ms Ida Ngueng Feze focusing on Ethical, Legal, Social Issues (ELSI) of gene technology, such as intellectual property law of biotechnology, misusage of genetic information outside of therapeutic context, policy approaches to address genetic discrimination, global data sharing of biobank and regulatory framework of microbiological genetic test.
Chinese Regulatory Framework of Gene-Related Technology, Genetic Discrimination, Genetic Privacy, Genomic Data Sharing